Summer: A preview of my Transition post

This is a preview of my a larger post that I’m preparing. I never really prepare for a post, but I’m planning on writing something on the transitional period between teenager to young adult. For the preview post I’ll use rhyme and post Transition another time.

Summer is almost done and we all had fun

Weather your measure of joy is consuming wine

Smoking on something to pass the time

Passing the football, kicking balls or doing either

Waiting 113 minutes to see the last goal of Fifa

Those Mario Cart fiends, night owls, very wide eyes

August 29th its amazing how time flies!

Boys to Men trying to find knowledge, what is true?

Corny love songs in girls minds “I’ll make love to you”

Loneliness slips inside every heart

It all comes together in the summertime yet we’re all apart

Summer with its bright skies and starry nights

Annoying rains and mosquito bites

The relaxation and ease of mind

Now back to school makes us want to rewind

Should we rewind to a time so dear?

A transparency that was literally clear?

I’m not talking water, cause the Ot river dirty 

I’m talking clear as in simple and free!

Now structure awaits most of us, It pains me to see

But for this last weekend, let’s live Young and Wild and Free.



On Happiness

What is happiness and how do we define it? 

This is a very philosophical question, but I won’t go too deep into it because ancient Greek philosophers had issues with this  I won’t be the 19 year old kid that’s going to figure it out. I’ll keep this brief and look at most angles of what happiness means to most of us. We put more value on different things in our lives during different periods. When we’re babies we found joy in sleeping and breast milk, toddlers found it in playtime, kids found it in recess and teens found it in alcohol. All these examples are immediate pleasures, not long term. It’s impossible for us to go back in our infancy and try to understand what made us happy, our brains were very simple and we never really thought about long term happiness we lived day to day, depending on our parents for everything. When we got older we started to have those thoughts about the future, what makes us happy. The connections we make with our family, our friends, our community made us happy. We start to expand our social circle by letting people in that benefit us and make us better people. They give us new perspectives on how to view the world, Making us laugh, explore, listen, talk, and fully express ourselves. The connections we make help us be who we want to be in a time where we are not too sure who we are. I’m talking about adolescence. Happiness can’t be defined universally but we know deep in our soul what it is. Its that feeling of sunshine in our hearts, that feeling of flying above the sky, the feeling of a warm fire on the coldest nights. You feel happy because you are secure, no danger is around and you can truly be yourself. That’s why those who are the aware are perceived as unhappy people. Have you ever noticed that the stupidest people seem to be the happiest? It’s because they don’t care, they let go. I don’t know about you but when I let go, things fall into place and I end up feeling much better about any situation that I’m in. Just like swimming, when you tense up you drown and if you’re trying to float it’s better to let go, don’t force it and let the tide take you. People who are very aware or intelligent have so much on their minds that they forget to let go. This is a generalization that I’m making off observations. When you learn to let go and not care about what everyone thinks you start to do what makes you happy. Of course theirs bounds of reason, don’t go shooting up a school if that’s what brings joy to you. I’m talking about a happiness that brings peace of mind, that makes you feel secure. That’s why love is in demand, because it makes us happy. Pursuing happiness is one of the hardest things to do. People think money, drugs, sex, alcohol are the things that make you happy. Maybe for a year, a month, a week, a day or a minute but we all know that they will all go away and at the end its you who has to decide: Do I want real happiness or immediate pleasures? So what’s the point of this post, wtf am I getting to? Even If I’ve been circling around my thesis I’ll lay it down like this: Live In The Present. That’s the key to happiness in my mind at this point in my life. Whenever you let go and live in the present, forgetting the past and not focusing too much on your future, you will come to notice all the good things in your life that make you happy. So Live in the present, because its a gift and you get to unwrap everyday (Santa Clause is feeling jealous right now). 

Poetry: On Music

Music today is trash and Its not just the old folk complaining

Lyrics are forgotten only the beats are sustaining

Our attention which is very small and very short

Remember when Music was a skill, now its just a sport

You got amateurs who make a slash yet tend to disappear

Trinidad James, Jay Sean, half of YMCMB

That’s why music is pathetic to me

No power, just radio play is all that is desired

Being able to sing is not even required


The real stars are the producers, their beats make the song

While robotic minds follow the instructions and sing along

#Ferg ASAP




If you’ve been stuck in a bunker with no wifi or tv access for the past 3 weeks I’ll explain what happened on August 9th 2014 in the afternoon in Ferguson, Missouri (Allegedly). Mike Brown an 18 year old High School graduate was walking with his friends on his way home when he was told to move off the road by an officer, Darren Wilson. Mike Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson explained that they were 1 minute away from their destination. The pig (or policeman) shot Mike Brown and proceeded to shot at both victims in this situation, they both ran away and then Officer Darren Shmurda shot Mike Brown several times, Mike went to his knees hands raised to show a sign of surrender but was then fatally shot in the head TWICE. According to other “witnesses” Mike Brown and Officer Shmurda (I’m calling him this because what he did is murder and thought he could get away with it in silence) had an altercation before Brown’s body ingested 6 bullets. Did I forget to mention that Mike is black…not just normal black he was big, tall and threatening, oh wait aren’t all black people like that? According to logic and reasoning Officer Shmurda should be in jail right now awaiting trial for this travesty. But no, of course not because we live in a world of injustice, hate, insecurities and blatant racism. Let’s try to break down this situation, and understand it in my point of view. I won’t be surprised if you feel offended or if you disagree but understand this: It’s an opinion I’m entitled to it and if you have thoughts on this I suggest you leave a comment or write a blog about it.

I’m not going to analyse this situation in a legal perspective because I only have 1 semester of Law experience and it was Grade 11. Instead I’ll focus on the social aspect and that is the clear racism and stereotyping we find in this case. Let’s imagine for a second Mike Brown was a white male 18 years old, walking down the street with his white friend. Do you honestly think he would get shot 6 times in a matter of minutes? I’ve never heard of a situation like that EVER. When I first heard this story my mouth was open with complete shock, then I realized this story is from the States and obviously involved a black man. If this isn’t textbook racism, I have no idea what is. He had no criminal record and had no weapon on him, according to any lawyer looking at this case with an objective point of view, this is Murder. No self defence, none of that bullshit mumbo jumbo. When you discriminate someone or stereotype a person based on their race, it is called racism. As I previously mentioned, if Mike Brown was white this story wouldn’t exist. If he was Latino, Asian, Native American this wouldn’t happen, but of course the 6’4, 292 pound black man had to be slain because he is the target, he’s the problem, he’s the criminal, he’s the prime suspect. “To top it all off, no one will care, the Police Chief will cover me up and I’ll be back on the street to arrest, assault and kill more niggers in no time.”-Officer Shmurda (he caught a body bout a week ago #shmoneydance)

Let’s learn a bit more about Mike Brown and Ferguson. According to teachers, he was a “gentle giant” and “never caused trouble”. Friends in his impoverished neighbourhood said he was different, dreaming of owning his own business while others had NBA or NFL aspirations. Ferguson, Missouri is one of the most segregated suburbs in America, with a mostly black population it is very strange how 6 out of 7 city council members are white (the 7th being Latina). This might be an issue with black people not going out to vote or not having better representation in their communities, but that’s for another blog post. This vaguely reminds me of Apartheid in South Africa but it’s not a clear divide it’s more subtle. Everyone sees it but no one addresses it. When the people representing can’t relate, it’s very hard for them to know what needs to be changed. When the children are born in an environment where the only hope is to somehow be talented enough to a basketball player, football player, rapper, singer or a drug dealer, its nothing less than pitiful and change is clearly needed. This is the root of the problem, we are products of our environment. Mike Brown tried to end this cycle by graduating and trying to pursue a college diploma in heating and cooling. His own mother, screaming in tears saying “you know many black men graduate? not many! cause you put em down like this.” 

So what’s the solution? Ain’t that the million dollar question. For me and most rational human beings this case needs to go to trial and needs to be a conviction of 1st Degree Murder sentenced 25 to life. The biggest gang isn’t the Hell’s Angels, MS-13, Bloods or Crips, its the whole Police Department. They look after their own, so this is probably not going to happen to Officer Shmurda. According to the Police Chief in Ferguson, he is on unpaid leave and has left the city. I’m assuming they put him in some witness protecting type of program, gave him a fake moustache, a convincing wig, a few tacos and told him to fake a Mexican accent. The FBI is investigating this case and the US Department of Justice, including the Attorney General, Eric Holder (A black man who has experienced racism first hand) are doing their own investigation. I predict this is going to be like a Trayvon Martin situation where it drags on for such a long time that the media forgets about it and in about 3 months he is found not guilty by a jury of his “peers” which will consist of a mostly white jury (even though Ferguson is predominantly black). In the depth of my heart I would love to see Officer Shmurda ring on my door bell with his ugly porn moustache, smile and say he’s the new neighbour, I’ll proceed to punch his face into the mushiest Play-Doh you’ve ever seen then stomp on his nuts like Thor’s hammer destroying any further generations of racist assholes. I pray that justice is served and that we can learn from this.

I frequently listen to Podcasts and one that truly gripped me was a recent episode of “Brilliant Idiots” where Combat Jack proclaimed “All We Got Is Us”. He expanded on this slogan by saying black people need to work on our own community before we blame others and the same way Jewish, Asian, Latin people look out of each other, we should do the same. All We Got Is Us should be shouted on the rooftops, we need to understand that if we have positive role models that go beyond entertainment and sports, positive community events and an overall shift of perspectives, Pigs like Officer Shmurda wouldn’t be dancing their way to freedom after killing our future generations. I recently graduated high school, I’m going to be sitting in a Lecture room in a about 2 weeks from now, I could have been a Mike Brown. Despite the perception that this couldn’t happen in Canada, better yet Ottawa, Ontario the nations capital is ludicrous. I’ve had situations where officers question me, I’ve had bad experiences with police men, I’ve felt profiled and I’m not a dangerous person by societies standards. So this is a bigger issue to handle in just one blog post, but at least it starts a conversation. If you’re any other race, you can understand a small amount of what blacks experience so I suggest you ask, listen and try to offer support. To my fellow black brothers and sisters, remember that All We Got Is Us. We can’t just address the problem, let’s fix it internally then walk together to a brighter future. A.S.A.P. 

The Post Bout Nothing


Its how our world began, and ultimately how it will end. Now This blog is about nothing yet my posts are very diverse, if you don’t get the irony you probably failed grade 8 English. So this is a post to remind the trolls, new people, old folks and lowkey fans (I know who you are lol) what this is about. If you look at my progression since my first post, which was weak by the way, I mentioned that I’d attack various subjects but Its been very difficult with my schedule and other things coming up in my life. So I’m making a new commitment to posting more frequently because I used to think no one reads this but Gawd Damn!! I love the support, and if any of you have comments on how to improve my blog or anything you want to hear feel free to comment. I’ll respond. So before my blog turns into nothing (literally) help me make it into something.



Poetry On People: C.P

Mixed emotions on this one, But I’ll keep it real

I thought you were cool…that wasn’t the deal.

Got disappointed In a lot of what I saw

To be completely honest, I was in Awe

Now It wasn’t body or face

that not the case.

Its the dishonestly and fake characteristics

I didn’t believe till I saw statistics

People said things I didn’t believe

But a friendship, we did (and might) still achieve

I know you’ll betray me, Will I forgive?

Judas was a key in Christ’s story

You’ve sunk ships, so I don’t foresee glory.

I know your record you won’t be sorry

Before our demise and evolution from love to hate

Let’s fake kindness, friendship and love before our fate 

Poetry On People: S.D

S** S** S**

Damn, Damn, Damn

You cool as fuck, thats a fact

With you, I keep it real, No act

I wish we were more than acquaintances

Our conversations are restricted by work sentences

If we were locked up together, no other cell mate would do 

Truth be told, I care about you

The feeling might be mutual, I’m not sure.

My problem is getting attached too quick

You Venus Fly Trap made me not think

Lured me a Plationic zone, yet promises of something more

Yet we’ve never taken that step before

It won’t change I accept it.

I want more but you (or me) might regret it


Poetry On People: B.N

Let me preface this by saying these are real, I wrote them about real situations and my feelings/thoughts. No names will be mentioned in any of these poems.



I barely know you B*****

My Instincts scare me

Your young, Wild and Free

I’m scared of what you’ll be

Drugs and Alcohol

Is how you console

I feel like you have a hole

Pierced by your ex

Used you for sex

Now your lost and afraid

Probably need some Aid

I sound old and Un-Kool

But I don’t want to see you fail

You remind me of another B*****

She scared me too

I see what she goes through

But don’t change for me, Change for you

I wanted you as conquest, something to show

But despite your facial symmetry, you need to grow

I won’t be your hero or your man

I’ll help you through, do the best I can

So when I see you, no flirting indeed

Cause despite my bad Intentions I want you to succeed.